Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 23

Image hosted by I'll start off this chapter with a little bit of fun from the ghosts because it was fun for me to watch. And then it was back to business as usual for Marisa and Tony. Image hosted by Image hosted by Napua doesn't care, she just got another kiss from Randy just before Grandma showed up. Image hosted by Image hosted by You guys! Leilani JUST finished mourning you! Image hosted by "Great job scaring everyone, honey!" "Thanks, wanna do it some more?" Image hosted by "Watch out, Joe. The ghosts are out in force tonight!" Image hosted by Thank goodness Joe had left the table before Tony came, or he would have been his next victim. Image hosted by After dinner, Brady worked with Clay on his homework, which he was done in no time...because he's the perfect child. Image hosted by And Rem and Leilani were going about their business when Tony decided to interrupt it. Gosh darn it, Tony! Go to your urn and think about what you did! Image hosted by They sure got over that quickly, didn't they? Image hosted by Later that night, the resident "tucker inner" said goodnight to Clay as he went down for the night. Image hosted by And Brady put himself in the corner. He must have been punishing himself for something because out of nowhere he went and stood in the corner! And thankfully everyone survived the night of a thousand scares. Image hosted by Look what we got! It's fun for everyone! Image hosted by Do we really need to know who touched the lamp last? Image hosted by "Wait a minute, the maid hasn't been playing the piano, has she?" She's a maid, Leilani. They do tend to dust every once in a while. Image hosted by After a night like last night, I'm sure Remington wasn't the only one to hit the bar. Image hosted by Oh, come on. Only two people have been on that thing - Rem and Lucy. It has to be one of those two. Image hosted by "Ah, Lucy's the culprit!" Ok, enough with the scanner, quick Remington, distract her. Image hosted by "The hills are alive with the sound of muuusiiiic..." Aww, I love it when they serenade each other. Image hosted by Looky what we have here. "Hi Aunt Mckenna! I'm your nephew and the family heir, Clay!" "Hi Clay! The only time you may see me is when I come over since a truck crashed into my house and until that is fixed, I may be coming over more!" (Still haven't been able to fixed that, although I haven't really tried.) Image hosted by "Excuse me, I'm trying to go to the bathroom. Mind not staring?" Image hosted by "Agh! That is the scariest thing I've ever seen!" What are you looking at, Mckenna? Image hosted by Apparantly tv guy brings fear to everyone watching. Who knew? Image hosted by I guess Napua isn't as smart as I thought she was. You need to open the curtain before turning on the water! Where's your head? heh heh.

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Generation 3 - Chapter 22

Image hosted by Now that Clay is a child and is getting older, Brady has been talking it up with Katerina, the maid, to try to butter her up for his son. Something about this picture reminds me of when Tony just moved into the neighborhood and was greeted by his neighbors. Image hosted by Clay didn't miss an opportunity either. "If you want, I'll let you teach our kids to talk. Did you want to do that?" "I'm sorry, kid, what?" Image hosted by "And house rules clearly dictate once you move in, you can't move out. So how 'bout it hot stuff? Marry me some day?" "I'm sorry, kid, what?" Image hosted by Out front, Napua was on a conquest of her own. She had spun up a want to become best friends with Randy London, which I interpret to mean she wants to have her first kiss with him. Here they are crushing on each other. Image hosted by A little hand holding to get to that first kiss a little faster. Image hosted by And some sweet talk. Are you ready, Napua? Image hosted by D'oh! Looks like Randy isn't. Is this going to be a repeat of Brady and Meadow? Randy's rejection causes Napua to plummet so far down, she's in need of a shrink, but not quite. Image hosted by To cheer up, she does a little pranking on Sophie. Image hosted by She's the first so far to actually like getting joy buzzered. Her relationship with Napua went up! Image hosted by How did I forget to put this in? Here is the heir on his first day of school. No private school for him yet, but maybe some day. Image hosted by Uh oh, look who came home with a demotion. Lucy got a bad chance card. Now this one I should have ignored. Now really, what is the best answer to choose between yell loud and yell really loud? I chose to yell loud and she got demoted. Yeah, I can't understand it either, Lucy. Image hosted by Oh stop crying about it. Your sister-in-law is doing something that is really worth crying about. Image hosted by In hopes to get the ghosts to stop all the scaring, Leilani has gone to the mausoleum to mourn her parents. Doesn't she just look plain mean here? Image hosted by But when she goes to her father's urn, she looks so sad. Can you tell who her favorite was? Image hosted by She does seem to enjoy the artwork, though. Image hosted by Meanwhile, back in the house, Napua finally scores that first kiss from Randy. Image hosted by And she's platinum and out of shrink danger. Image hosted by And the wonder child maxes his creativity skill with Remington's help. Image hosted by Image hosted by Sigh, looks as if Leilani wasted her time in the mausoleum. Marisa looks proud of herself as she was just playing with the tub. You can still see the suds in the tub. Image hosted by Ok, I have to admit I do like these pictures. Do you think if they ever got pets, the family dog would run out when someone came home from work? I don't think I want to find out. And finally, to end this chapter, Clay was not the only one to max creativity. Image hosted by Napua maxed her creativity as well. It's not a competition, guys. I love you both equally...well, maybe Clay a little more, but we won't tell Napua that.

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Generation 3 - Chapter 21

Image hosted by You didn't think that would be all we would see of the ghosts in the last chapter, did you? I found Tony in Leilani and Remington's room watching over Leilani as she slept. He wanted to make sure she was doing ok before going about his roaming business. Image hosted by Leilani woke up from a sound sleep with a start after Tony left wondering what was going on. She had felt Tony's presence as she was sleeping and it was such a nice feeling. That feeling would not last, however. Image hosted by Leilani got up and took a shower and went into Clay's room to play with him when Marisa jumped out in front of her. And we also solved the mystery of that Cavanaugh nose. Can you see the resemblance? The whole family has that nose. Thanks, Marisa! Image hosted by Great, thanks again, Marisa. And she wasn't done. Image hosted by Can't forget the birthday girl! Marisa is on a rampage tonight! Thank goodness that was it for the night. Image hosted by The next day, Lucy reached the top of her career! I have no idea why she was in the medical career when her LTW has to do with being a cop, and for the life of me, I can't remember what it's called! So she promptly quits her job to start her career in the appropriate field. Image hosted by And look who maxed his charisma skill! I told you he would be a perfect child. Image hosted by Clay was so tired after maxing a skill he took a quick power nap and Maya came over to tuck him in. Image hosted by What? Another birthday? Who's birthday could it be this time? Image hosted by It's Clay's birthday as he becomes a child. It looks like he maxed that skill just in time! Image hosted by Let's watch as he does his thing and leaves his toddler years behind him. Image hosted by And the heir has become a child. Now let's see what he looks like. Image hosted by Aww, look how cute he is in his duckie pajamas! He looks just like Brady and has Lucy's mouth. Let's do something about that hair, though. Image hosted by A quick trip to the bathroom and a little change to the hair and he looks a lot better! He seems to like it as well. Image hosted by He's got the learning bug just like his sister and asks Uncle Remington to work with him on the plant thingy. I still can't remember the name of it. Image hosted by And, once again, we have a house full 'o learnin'. Image hosted by Look who's out again. Thankfully, if memory serves, this is the only thing he does tonight. Image hosted by Later, Clay is still up when Brady gets home so he goes out to greet him to show how well he transitioned. Image hosted by And here is someone else going crazy on a musical instrument. He is so skilled with his creativity, his hands go flying about the piano keys. And I'll end this chapter with some married couple lovin'. This house sure is full of love, isn't it. Image hosted by Image hosted by I may have coerced that kiss between Leilani and Remington, but the kiss from Lucy to Brady was purely autonomous and I happened to have the game on pause at that moment and was able to catch a picture. It's another "awww" moment.

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