Generation 3 - Chapter 2
It's been a couple days since Tony's death and although everyone is still sad, life must continue and that being said, today is Moana's birthday as she jumps into toddlerhood. But first, Marisa has been spinning up wants to beat Noelle at a game. So a quick trip to the store and we have a game console. So we sit Marisa and Noelle down and hope Marisa wins because her life bar is getting pretty full and we want to keep her at platinum. Marisa wins the game and it looks as if she is not a very good winner since she is yelling at Noelle during the game! Meanwhile, Brady decides he is hungry and wants to make some breakfast, although he doesn't do too well. Yet another fire on a birthday! Because of the fire, all household members stop what they are doing and panic ensues. Marisa notices that the responding fire fighter is an atractive young woman and thinks of Brady. Maybe Brady can meet with her and build a relationship and maybe something more later on. Marisa approaches the fire fighter and gives her a tip and hopes to give her a call later to have her come over and talk to Brady. "Thanks, ma'am! That's mighty nice of you. Just be careful next time!" After the fire everyone wanted to clean up, which took a while since they only have two bathrooms and there are more than two people who want to take a shower at the same time. After it was all worked out and everyone was clean, it was time to take Moana to her cake. Brady is getting older and closer to adulthood so he wanted to be the one to do the honors. After all, it was his dad who helped with the transitioning before he died and since he is the heir he wanted to follow in his footsteps in more ways than one. So Brady takes Moana to her cake helps her blow out her candles and waits for the family members to finish what they are doing and make their way to the cake. And then finally transition time! And look at the cute outfit she transitions into! She doesn't have the Cavanaugh eyes, she got her daddy's eyes, but she turns out really cute. After Moana transitions, Brady puts her on the floor to get some cake, and then... uh oh...grimmy's here! Marisa sees him, but is ok with it because at least she can be with her husband now. With other members of the family, it's a different story. Even though she wasn't sad about it, she was a bit surprised since she was only 66 and younger than Tony was when it was his time. "Oh, you're here early!" "Oooh, a drinkey-poo! Don't mind if I do!" And with that, she was gone and in her place she left a beautiful platinum urn. After the Grim Reaper left, the family placed her urn next to her husband where they could rest for eternity next to each other. After the death of Marisa, the family dealt with their grief separately. Once again, Reminton seemed the hardest hit and he wasn't even blood related!
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