Sunday, August 19, 2007

Generation 4 - Draco Goes to College

If you remember, at the end of the last chapter, Draco hightailed it out of there and headed off to college. And as it turns out, Draco is the first of the Cavanaugh heirs to go to college. And because, he is on his own for the next 4 years, he keeps with family tradition and heads out first to get his picture taken. Um, hey Draco, ew. I'm not liking the outfit much. But here we have Draco as a college student! One of the first people Draco met was this girl, Jaqueline. They were in the same dorm where she stayed on the first floor and he was on the second. College life in the dorms was always fun. Always something going on, such as right now. Here we have a pillow fight going on. But wait, neither one of those guys in Draco. Where's Draco? Yep. Seriously. While everyone is inside having fun, he is weeding and watering the flowers. Draco, you're such a nerd! Awww, this is actually what convinced me they were made for each other. Draco had just finished a meal, when he, on his own, went into Jaqueline's room and flirted with her. Upon his flirting, they both developed crushes on each other. I didn't take a picture of his flirt because it happened so fast and by the time I realized what he was doing, I was preparing for Jaqueline to make him cry. There is something about the cafeteria worker. All the guys who passed her would swoon, just as Draco is doing now. I didn't take a close up of her, but from what I can tell in this picture, she's old and...wait, I don't need a second point to that. She's an old lady who works in the dorms and the guys are swooning over her. *shudders* Nothing like falling in love in the dining room. Yep, our Draco has fallen in love. What comes after falling in love? A pillow fight of course! Did you ever see that episode of the Simpsons when Homer went back to college? He was driving down the street and sees nerds walking down the sidewalk, so he sticks his head out of the window and screams "Nerds!" That's what I feel like doing now. Of all the things these two could be doing, they are studying instead. Just like his great-great grandfather. He's looking out the window at something that is not even there. Um, Draco, you call that dancing? Please don't do that again...please. Draco takes a moment from studying and cleaning to focus on Jaqueline and flirt a little. Hey, why don't you pay attention to your girlfriend as she's falling in love with you instead of checking out the cafeteria worker? Ugh. And since Jaqueline has fallen in love, Draco took the opportunity to try for their first kiss. With everything that has happened to them in the dining room of the dorm, they will always have fond memories of that room. Especially now since he's proposing in the same place they fell in love and had their first kiss. Well, I would say only if she says yes, but if she says no, I'm sure he wouldn't forget that either. But these two are meant for each other, so of course she accepted. Our little Draco is now officially all grown up with a fiance. *sigh* Draco is such the good student that he even suited up for the old coach. Only at college can you dance to the music played by a cow. I thought I told you never to dance ever again. We have come to the conclusion of Draco's college career and upon graduating from college, he plants a big wet one on his fiance. Oh, and he also does some celebratory streaking. You can't leave college unless you've streaked at least once, right? Oh, ew. That's what you want to go out in the real world looking like? Get thee to a clothing store, stat!

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Generation 4 - Chapter 8

Welcome back! When we left off, Leilani did something right and scared a person who wanted to be scared, while Remington the ghostly maid, well, didn't and baby Payton was born! And speaking of Payton... it's birthday time! And of course, Lahela, the only person to remember that Payton exists, was the one to do the birthday. It's a boy! Yep, Payton is a boy with red hair and green eyes. I'm almost kind of sorry that Draco didn't get the red hair and green eyes. *Sigh* You know, Lahela tries to help the family out, and how does she get re-paid? Lucy scares Lahela out of sleep and also manages to take away some aspiration points. No wonder why nobody liked you, Lucy. Not long after getting Lahela, she gets Draco! What is it with you ghosts?!? I think the ghosts plan this. They tag team each other. That same night, not long after Lucy got Draco, Remington got him! How anyone manages to survive in this house is beyond me. The next morning, Lahela was thinking the same thing I was. It's time for her to escape this crazy house and head off to college and start her life. Um, Lahela, I think you're forgetting something. Your clothes, perhaps. Or is this going to be a family thing since one of your aunts, or great aunts, or whatever, went to all of her classes in her underwear? Oops, looks like I forgot another birthday. Draco managed to sneak in a transition when I wasn't ready. Today, he became a teenager. What did he roll? I believe it was Knowledge and his lifetime want was something to do with the Criminal career track. I didn't write it down because I thought I would remember. Oops. And hey, look, it's Taylor's birthday too! Let's watch as he becomes a child. Nothing new. Red hair, green eyes, blah blah blah. Is it the bedroom, is it Bailey? What's the deal? Lucy surprises us all and sneaks in a scare. Maura, what is it? Why are you up? Oh! Hey, it's another baby! This time, here comes baby #5. Doesn't look like Clay will be here for this one. He's off in dream land dreaming of construction workers. And baby #5 is Cadence. You know, you're not going to reach 10 kids if you keep shooting out singles, Maura. Now that Lahela is off at college, Draco became a teen, Taylor grew up and Cadence was born, the family decided to head out and take another picture. Wait. What? Draco's going to college now? Who is going to help out now?! And it looks like the only person who cares is the only person in the house not related to him. Bye, Draco. See you at college! This what I love about Bailey. She's so social. She's always going up to someone asking them to dance or read to her or even going up to the baby and talking to Cadence. Should have known this was coming. It's pretty much a rite of passage now. Anytime you have a birthday from toddler to child, you are greeted by a ghost. Sorry, Taylor. Do you see that? Three ghosts are out tonight. In this picture, we have Remington on the far left, Brady in the background on the right and Tony on the right closest to us. Poor Taylor. Remington is stalking him. Get used to it, kid. The ghosts are mean!

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Generation 4 - Chapter 7

At the end of the last chapter, Maura had just given birth to baby Payton, who I mistakenly called the fifth born child for Maura, but was in actuality, her fourth child. My bad, I forgot Draco was the product of Clay and a Poly Tech. But since there is a new baby in the family, I will start this update with an updated family picture. The family is glad to have Lahela in the house because she helps out a lot with all the little ones, but in the back of their minds, they know she will soon be leaving for college. After the birth of Payton, another male in the house heard the goings on and came running. Hey, Clay, you've been through a lot. Why don't you lay down on the bed and relax a bit. I'm sure Maura will understand if you need to take a breather. *shakes head* While Maura and Clay were recovering from the birth of Payton, it's time for yet another birthday. This time, we have Bailey turning into a child with the help of Lahela. And here we have our first look of Bailey as a child. After the birthday celebration, Maura and Clay get down to the baby making, and they seem completely unaware that they have company. Ew. If my dead mother ever comes around when I'm in the middle of something like that, please don't ever tell me. While her parents were getting down to business, Lahela takes it upon herself to potty train Taylor. And as Lahela is working with Taylor, Lucy passes by on her almost nightly rounds. Lahela, Taylor, say hi to your grandmother, although I'm sure if you haven't already been scared by her, you will soon. Happy birthday, Bailey! This is your grandmother and I'm sorry to say that she is most likely angry because your father was not the nicest person to her and she died a sad lonely woman. Looks like Clay had some left over energy after going a round or two with Maura. I hadn't seen anyone in the family do this yet, but I'm so glad that the playfulness has remained in the family. Since the time was coming for Lahela to go off to college, she decided to give herself a makeover so she wouldn't look so much like a child when she moved to the dorms. It doesn't look like she hates it. More family playfulness. Bailey and an underwear clad Maura dancing in the kitchen. And as Maura and Bailey were sharing an odd family moment, Lahela finished the rest of her makeover. She started with her hair and went into the bedroom to take care of her clothes. And in the midst of all the chaos, we have Draco doing his favorite activity. He is happy as a clam whenever he is cleaning since he has full cleaning skills. You would think that one of the parents would be cleaning while the kids have fun, but in this family, nothing is what you would imagine. And Lahela? Just chilling out at the guitar looking for some tips so she could have some spending money while she is away. With Bailey's birthday and Lahela's makeover, the family headed off to get their picture taken again. With all the changes that go on, they will have to take a lot of pictures! Do the adults in this house ever wear clothes? And here we have the mandatory shot of Clay teaching Taylor to walk. I guess it's true. The more kids you have, the less pictures you take. Payton has been somewhat forgotten and has been left in the crib unless it's feeding or changing time, but lucky for us, Lahela has remembered the baby. And no matter how many kids they have and are taking care of, Clay and Maura will always have time for each other. Right now, they are taking the time for a dance in the living room. Finally! Finally a ghost gets it right and scares the person who wants to be scared. For some reason all the ghosts stay away from Clay and get all the kids. Just when I was praising a ghost, Remington goes and scares Lahela. What did I just say? Stop scaring the kids! Tune in for the next chapter where I sure we will have more ghost sightings and most likely another birth from the baby factory.

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