This pregnancy was harder for Marisa than when she was pregnant with Leilani. Tony was always working and Marisa had to stay home with Leilani who wanted to learn to walk and learn to talk. She managed to start teaching Leilani how to walk, even if only for a short time.
What Marisa really wanted to do was go to work and earn money so she could afford to by that stereo she keeps spinning up. During one of her rejuvenating naps, she had a dream about telling Tony how she felt.
She loved Tony, but she's not the stay at home mom he wants her to be. She wants to go to work and she hasn't been in what feels like forever. Just when she thought she could go back, she got pregnant again and got put on maternity leave. Boy, that job sure is understanding. While she was napping Tony got home from work and wanted to spend some time with Leilani. He wanted to hold her and tickle her and he also wanted to teach her how to talk. Aren't those Family Sims great? So Tony got home and went to the nursery to hold his daughter and do some cuddling.
After some precious father-daughter time, he went to the bathroom to practice his speech and hopefully get the promotion that comes with it.
That's great, but what about that puddle forming by the toilet? Shouldn't he start building up his mechanical spills? Nah, that's what repairmen are for. Well, off to bed!
Only, why is he dreaming about Brandi? I seem to remember the last time they were together, it didn't end too well. The next day as Tony got off work, Leilani couldn't wait to grow up. (I got the warning this was going to happen, but lost track of the time so she spun and poof...Leilani is now a full fledged child!)
She grew up well and happy not even caring that she didn't have a party, let alone was still in her pajamas. Meanwhile, Marisa was taking a shower and missed the transformation. But, as soon as she got out of the shower, guess what happened...
"Oh, good. Another girl, which means, Anthony will be hounding me again to have another baby. Might as well, give this one a name. How about Mckenna?" So this is how Mckenna Cavanaugh came into the world. At least she came out clean. After going through the torture of child birth, Marisa decided that she needed some adult companionship and conversation that didn't revolve around babies and children. She invited Meadow Thayer over and Meadow said "Hey you're thin again!" And Marisa answered back, "Yeah, but it was a girl,
so it looks like I'll be going through it all over again. Oh why did Tony have to be a Family Sim? How many kids is this guy going to want?" Later that night, Marisa and Tony were talking in bed and Marisa told Tony that since their family was growing, she wanted to add on to the house.
"But when are we going to fix up the house we have right now? Our dining room, living room and kitchen all have "green carpet" and it tends to grow weeds whenever we have a leak." "Oh, speaking of family," said Tony "how about we have another baby and try for that boy?" "Oh, I don't know, we'll see. How about we just cuddle?" said Marisa.
So they cuddled a little and ended up woohooing before going to bed. The next day was Mckenna's birthday and this time it was Tony that helped her transition into toddlerhood.
Mckenna grew up well too, just like her sister Leilani. Well, now that Mckenna is a toddler, what do you think happened next?
They did a little more than woohoo that night. "Well, looks like I'll have some more time off work" thought Marisa. Was she ever going to be able to go back to work? Marisa was back to taking care of a baby while pregnant with another one while Tony is off at work, but at least Leilani is old enough to go to school so she doesn't have two kids to take care of. Now with an extended vacation, Marisa found herself spending time with Leilani and talking to her.
"It seems like only yesterday your father and I were having our wedding party. Now here I am with a third child on the way. What I really want to do is go to work...maybe some day," said Marisa. Meanwhile, Tony got another promotion and Leilani was doing really well in school.
Tony thought since she was doing so well and that she was smart, maybe it was time to have a talk with Leilani. She has been asking about where Mckenna and the new baby came from. "Now when you move out and start a life of your own, then will meet a man you will fall in love with" said Tony.
"And then what?" asked Leilani. "Oh look, the sink needs fixing! I'll be right back," exclaimed Tony.
"Whew, got out of that one! Maybe she wasn't ready" thought Tony. That night everyone went to bed. Leilani had dreams about meeting her idea guy and wondered why her mother insisted on dressing her like a pirate.
She was never going to meet the man of her dreams dressed like that! And also that night, Marisa was woken by that feeling again...
"Hellooo! Tony, I'm having your baby!"
"Honey, can you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep." "You did this to meee! Get up!"
And into the world came little Brady Cavanaugh. "Oh, finally a boy!"
"I'm so glad you're here! I hope Tony doesn't want me to have any more...what honey? You want how many? 10???" *sigh*
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