Mckenna On Her Own - Chapter 1
Mckenna has just found her new dwelling around the corner from her family's home and is ready to begin her new life on her own. She's worried, though. Not about her life, she's worried about making friends, seeing as she is a Popularity Sim. Not to worry, Mckenna. With the house she had built, there is plenty of room for company. After her new house was built, she was visited by Joe Carr, Goopy (ick), and Ivy Capor. Oh yeah, she also called an old friend, Ashley. Remember Ashley from previous chapters? Seems she took a liking to the verbal tongue lashing he gave to her on many occassion. Who knew? She didn't feel like making anything, so she thought maybe she would treat her new friends to some Chinese food. And a tip for any housebuilders out there - don't put a bathroom with counter space next to the front door because that would be the first place a delivery will be put. And then poor Goopy will cry because he can't go potty. But this shows you how stupid Goopy is because there are two other bathrooms in the house! Although it is quite fun to make Goopy cry! Now that the crowd in the bathroom has diminished (although Goopy still can't go to the bathroom) Mckenna has started her conquest on an unsuspecting Ashley. "I'm going to be mayor some day, Ashley!" Was that a pick-up line? Over the course of a couple days Mckenna would call Ashley as soon as she got home from work and invite him over and they would have the most entertaining conversations! Ashley would demonstrate how to make eggs told Mckenna about his baseball playing days and Mckenna would tell Ashley about the funny looking bird she saw that day. I had so much fun watching them talk, I couldn't help but take a lot of pictures! And this girl had the constant want to tickle Ashley and entertain him. She would tickle him and then she spun up the want to entertain. When I did both of those things, she would spin up the same wants over and over. I think it's pretty safe to say that she was platinum for a couple days there. So after Mckenna has focused so much attention on Ashley, what comes next? Aww, their first kiss. And then some more tickling. And then some more kissing. What's this? A new want? She wanted to appreciate Ashley. Is anybody bored yet? One more thing. She has told Ashley so many jokes, she finally got the chance to tell him a dirty joke. Here is her reaction to getting the command to tell a dirty joke. Has our sweet little Mckenna turned into this?? Who would have thought a dirty joke would have led to love? When Mckenna isn't busy telling Ashley her favorite dirty joke or tickling him, she is busy swooning over Ashley. Ashley even likes her in her nerd hat! Now I don't want you to think that Mckenna only gets visits from Ashley, members of her family also stop by or walk by on occasion. "Mckenna, aren't you wearing my hat?!" Marisa stopped by and Mckenna greeted her with a hug since she had heard about her father's passing. Mckenna also told her mother of her plans with Ashley. And since Ashley was over, Mckenna wanted to introduce her mother to Ashley, although we all know they have met before. But Mckenna wanted to make it official and do it the nice way. "Ashley, I'd like you to meet my mother, Marisa" "Hey, aren't you the same family that has been spying on me all these years?!" They let bygones be bygones and bonded over their love of music. Isn't it funny to see an old lady and a young guy jamming on musical instruments? Mckenna also invited her sister, Noelle, over on occasion since she hadn't talked to her in a while. They relived old times and gossiped about Leilani and how she burnt the spaghetti and started a fire on Mckenna's birthday. And... *GASP*...what is this?? Gossiping about Tony! Shocking, isn't it, Noelle? After Noelle left, Mckenna invited Ashley over. And finally, after working so hard they fell in love. Mckenna knew that is was now over never. So after dinner, Mckenna got down on one knee. I'll spare you the pictures since they all look alike, but he said yes and then... ...doh! A red ring! What have you done Mckenna! Well, it's done, now off to bed! After one attempt, Mckenna and Ashley are expecting their first child. And this is all she does during her first trimester. But, hey, at least she's platinum. =)
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