Monday, July 30, 2007

Generation 4 - Chapter 6

At the end of the last chapter, we had some nerdy family bonding time at the telescopes, training by Clay, and a baby named Taylor was born. We start this chapter with some bonding and cooking in the bathroom. After deciding he wanted some mac and cheese, Clay decided to take the preparations into the bathroom as Maura was doing her business. Raise your hand if you want that batch of mac and cheese. Lahela and Draco didn't seem to mind that this is a special batch of mac and cheese. As they ate, they discussed the ghost problem they have. Ghosts have been coming out quite often and scaring constantly. There's only so much a person can take! Maura arrived home from work on a rare day when she wasn't pregnant, but that is about to change... Yep, there we go. Another vacation for Maura. Child #5 is on the way. I think this might have been done purely by Clay. But either way, Clay knows it must be hard on Maura to pop out kids left and right and he wanted to show his appreciation to his wife. With all these kids, there is always a birthday. Today is no exception. Lahela becomes a teen today. As Lahela is transforming, I catch Maura congratulating Clay and Clay swooning over his wife. These people get distracted so easily. I'm not sure if I like the look, but she's cute. This would be Lahela, pre-makeover. Lehela rolled the Fortune aspiration and her lifetime want is...wait I know this. When she went to college, she was a Drama major...I can't remember what her lifetime want is, but she rolled Fortune. Oh yeah, it has something to do with Sports, whatever that LTW is. Anyway, with Lahela's birthday, the family updated their family portrait. After the party, they wanted to settle down a little, so Clay and Lahela choose to spend some time with Bailey and play with her for a while. Of course, Clay takes the opportunity to explain where Draco came from and why he looks different than the rest of the family. After the bonding time with Lahela and Clay, Maura had her turn with Bailey and gave her a bath. After the bath, Maura finally took the reigns and did a little training for Bailey. Bailey has had a busy night! And so Clay got the credit because he had the want, the finishing touches for Bailey learning to walk went to him. With a house so full of people, it's easy for someone to get forgotten. Lahela was the only person to remember that it was Taylor's birthday, so she helped him into Toddlerhood. It's nice to have a teen in the house because, hey, free babysitter! The ghosts are out. I don't even remember which ghost this is, but I'm willing to bet it was Leilani. During the commotion of the evening and the ghosts, Draco, Lahela and Clay managed to get a meal together and sat down to eat. Draco, unaware of the family's love of starting fires while cooking, got the low down from Lahela. Taylor, in all his new toddlerness, starts working on his speaking skills. His first word is bear, and good thing, too, because there are two of them in the backyard somewhere. I don't remember the last time Maura had a full night's sleep. She's always waking up to ghosts or labor pains, such as now, or to a baby crying. So now she's waking up to give birth to baby #5. And what is this? Someone is actually aware of what is going on and comes running?? This is not a typical reaction, and I'm pleasantly surprised! Now we welcome baby Payton. Payton is baby #5 and that puts Maura half way to 10 kids. Will she make it? By the way, do you notice after Draco was born, all the kids have been given ambiguous names? Bailey, Taylor, don't really know what they are until they become toddlers.

Next >>>


Blogger Heather said...

MORE kids! Wow definitely a baby factory! You need to marry the next heir to someone with a normal nose. Eeep!

1:32 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

I already know who's going to marry Draco. =) And she's got a cute nose!

1:53 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Babies, babies, everywhere. You're a brave woman. I did the 20 grandkids, and it was crazy. I can't imagine how nuts it would be with trying for 10 kids.

8:50 AM  
Blogger suzie sim said...

Ewww - can we put up a "No Cooking" sign in the bathroom puhlease?? lol! I hate when they do that! I have some that will go up to the upstairs bathroom counters too - it kills me! :|

Ghosts in the bathtub? Too funny - I hope they clean up when they're done. :D
Lahela turned out cute - I can't wait to see what they're looking like in Uni. *w*

11:42 PM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

Um, that can't be sanitary, can it? *keeps her hands firmly at her sides* But wow, your mac and cheese actually looks like mac and cheese! Mine, I have a hard time telling the difference between it and the cereal when I get leftovers out of the fridge. (And why doesn't left-over cereal get soggy, sitting around like that?) Poor Draco. You really shouldn't shoot him from the side like that. Kid looks like he ran into the wall a few too many times... Lahela turned out really cute! :-D Hehe, that's what I think whenever the older kids finally become teens. "Someone else to watch the rugrats!" *giggle* Taylor is a cutie, what we can see of him in that shot with Lahela. *pokes Kriste* You need to stop counting Draco as one of Maura's kids, you know. :-b And poor Maura, never getting a full night's sleep. (You actually wake her up for an infant crying??) You're going to be in for a rude shock when CLAY gets 10 kids, but MAURA doesn't get the want. ;-)

2:13 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

My goodness! She's popping babies out right and left! What a baby factory she is! :OD

10:48 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I like the naming theme you've got going for them!

8:53 PM  

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