Mckenna Has a Baby - Chapter 2
Last we left off in Mckenna's house, she just started to show early in her pregnancy. Also a reminder, the father of her baby is Ashley, the person on the other end of her family's telescope for so many years. She also received word about her mother's passing and sometime in the middle of the night, she received inheritance money her mother had left her. Marisa had left her daugher a good amount of money, which would help with the new baby on the way. The next day, as Mckenna was taking her nap (very difficult to keep in the green, this one) someone forgot to pay the bills and we got a visit. The repoman with a very evil smile stopped by taking two items from the house. Luckily, Mckenna had the money from her mom's inheritance to replace the items that were taken and we vowed to always pay the bills. Not too much later, Mckenna grew more and looked humungous! The baby would soon be arriving. If only Ashley would commit and put a wedding ring on her finger! Mckenna wanted to marry Ashley before the baby arrived so he or she could take his last name. Well, that night, it was too late. Mckenna woke up to sharp pains and knew at once that the baby was coming. I'll save you the pictures since we all know what they look like and, besides, I don't think I took any. Mckenna gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who she and Ashley named Taylor. He looked just like his parents, blue eyes and dark hair. Mckenna couldn't help but look at this baby and wanted even more to marry his father. Just how was she going to get him to do it? And another picture of mommy and baby. A few hours later, Mckenna called Ashley over as soon as she could since she knew he slept until 7. He came over to the house and went immediately into Taylor's bedroom. I think it's so cute that they just know. =) He picked him up and went over to the fridge to feed his son. Mckenna joined her new family and the men in her life both took in the sight of her. Now I know what Suzicat said when she had the thinking-est baby because this kid is always thinking about something! It was then that Mckenna wanted to have a discussion with Ashley about them getting married because they have been engaged since before Taylor was born. Ashley walked into the nursery and Mckenna followed, but Ashley couldn't put the baby down. He loved holding him. So Mckenna went off to make some plans and think. During her interactions with Ashley, she became platinum and thought that maybe if she put the thinking cap on, she could think of something to do. After doing a lot of thinking, she decided she would throw a wedding party and maybe then Ashley would marry her if he knew she was serious about it. In the background Ashley is looking for the missing guitar and drums that Mckenna just sold...hehe. Mckenna invited her brother and sister, Brady and Leilani, to her wedding and Brady (still wearing that awful pink tux) is hoping Ashley will make his sister very happy. I didn't take any pictures of the party because, well, it was a real dud and Ashley even left in the middle of it! And poor Mckenna drowned (hopefully not literally) her sorrows in the pool. Why didn't Ashley want to get married? Will they ever? Find out in the next update.
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