Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 21

Image hosted by You didn't think that would be all we would see of the ghosts in the last chapter, did you? I found Tony in Leilani and Remington's room watching over Leilani as she slept. He wanted to make sure she was doing ok before going about his roaming business. Image hosted by Leilani woke up from a sound sleep with a start after Tony left wondering what was going on. She had felt Tony's presence as she was sleeping and it was such a nice feeling. That feeling would not last, however. Image hosted by Leilani got up and took a shower and went into Clay's room to play with him when Marisa jumped out in front of her. And we also solved the mystery of that Cavanaugh nose. Can you see the resemblance? The whole family has that nose. Thanks, Marisa! Image hosted by Great, thanks again, Marisa. And she wasn't done. Image hosted by Can't forget the birthday girl! Marisa is on a rampage tonight! Thank goodness that was it for the night. Image hosted by The next day, Lucy reached the top of her career! I have no idea why she was in the medical career when her LTW has to do with being a cop, and for the life of me, I can't remember what it's called! So she promptly quits her job to start her career in the appropriate field. Image hosted by And look who maxed his charisma skill! I told you he would be a perfect child. Image hosted by Clay was so tired after maxing a skill he took a quick power nap and Maya came over to tuck him in. Image hosted by What? Another birthday? Who's birthday could it be this time? Image hosted by It's Clay's birthday as he becomes a child. It looks like he maxed that skill just in time! Image hosted by Let's watch as he does his thing and leaves his toddler years behind him. Image hosted by And the heir has become a child. Now let's see what he looks like. Image hosted by Aww, look how cute he is in his duckie pajamas! He looks just like Brady and has Lucy's mouth. Let's do something about that hair, though. Image hosted by A quick trip to the bathroom and a little change to the hair and he looks a lot better! He seems to like it as well. Image hosted by He's got the learning bug just like his sister and asks Uncle Remington to work with him on the plant thingy. I still can't remember the name of it. Image hosted by And, once again, we have a house full 'o learnin'. Image hosted by Look who's out again. Thankfully, if memory serves, this is the only thing he does tonight. Image hosted by Later, Clay is still up when Brady gets home so he goes out to greet him to show how well he transitioned. Image hosted by And here is someone else going crazy on a musical instrument. He is so skilled with his creativity, his hands go flying about the piano keys. And I'll end this chapter with some married couple lovin'. This house sure is full of love, isn't it. Image hosted by Image hosted by I may have coerced that kiss between Leilani and Remington, but the kiss from Lucy to Brady was purely autonomous and I happened to have the game on pause at that moment and was able to catch a picture. It's another "awww" moment.

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Blogger MysticSpirit said...

What a coincidence those kissing shots. They all look so much alike! ;O) Time for some makeovers. *LOL*

8:19 AM  

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