Thursday, December 15, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 38

In our last Cavanaugh update, if we remember, Clay had a birthday and I left it like this. Well, our little Clay has grown up and become an adult. Would we like to see what he looks like? You do? He doesn't look too different, does he? And it seems Maura likes what she sees. Now we just have to worry about his outfit. But, before anything can be done, this happens. Clay falls to the ground upon aging and looks like he's having a fit. No, it's just the Cavanaugh mental breakdown that has been passed down from generation to generation. Clay wanted to go to college as a teen, and since he didn't get the chance to (or wasn't allowed since it's the Classic version), it was one of his biggest fears so far in life. But have no fear. As his mother looks on in her underwear and Maura gets her first taste of a Cavanaugh birthday, Clay gets a visit from the family doctor. Clay gets better and the doctor leaves and the household goes back to "normal." Do you think he's embarrassed by his mother prancing around in her underwear? He shouldn't be, afterall, he just had a psychotic breakdown at his birthday party. But now to more important matters at hand. It's time to get Clay and Maura hitched, although they have to have their first kiss and fall in love first. Awww, it's their first kiss. Clay has been waiting for that one for a while now! There they are falling in love. He sure moves fast, doesn't he? Clay whips out the flashy ring that has been in his family since his grandfather proposed to his grandmother on the lawn in their house when they didn't have floors. *sigh* Let's take a moment to remember Anthony, shall we? He sure was cute, wasn't he? Anyway, back to Clay. Maura, of course, said yes and she loved her ring and loved how pretty it looked on her finger. Notice the absence of a red ring. And here they are getting married. And it's still Clay's birthday! Neither one of them are romance sims, but they can't wait to seal the deal and kiss to their marraige. Aren't they cute together? And to Maura, she's marrying into the richest family in town. Although they are pretty much the only family in town. McKenna lives across the street and everyone else in the family is still in college! And with the kiss, they are married! After the ceremony, Clay yells out, "Let's have some fun!" And to end the chapter, we focus on another couple. When are these crazy kids going to get hitched? Stay tuned and we'll find out. And we'll see Clay and Maura start their life together.

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