Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 16

Here we are, the morning after the headmaster visit and the girls are now private school students. Image hosted by "Did you really think the headmaster would have cared whether or not you had sold a masterpiece?" Seriously, Remington still thinks about those masterpieces he sold, but never spins up the want to paint any. Image hosted by "Couldn't you have discussed literature with him? Mark Twain, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Tale of Two Cities, anything else?" Image hosted by " I did talk about literature, but I wanted to talk about my paintings more." "I seem to remember Napua taking him into the painting room and him not liking it, ending the tour on the spot. Lucy, did you hear that the girls got into private school?" Image hosted by "It's always a beautiful day after the headmaster comes. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping." Image hosted by Later, after breakfast, Leilani and Remington sat down for their portait so it can be hung somewhere. But did you know that if the painter stops painting it before the picture shows up, the subject comes out smaller? It's happened to me a couple times, one of the reasons Lucy and Brady had to be painted three times. I only mention it because Lucy was the one doing the painting and she stopped to eat before the picture showed up and now the painting is small and seems far away. Image hosted by No wonder why she had to stop, look how huge she is! Image hosted by Maya: "Sshh, don't say that to your mom, stay quiet!" Lucy: "I'm starving, if I don't eat I may die." Image hosted by "Mom, you're almost as big as an elephant!" Image hosted by "Napua, don't tell your mother that. She's in a very delicate condition, she may be carrying the heir to the family." Image hosted by "It's a good thing they teach us manners at school!" Image hosted by Look what time it is, two birthdays! And who would be celebrating birthdays today? Image hosted by No, not Remington. He's just reacting to the cake as all other people in the house do - with utter disdain and disgust. Image hosted by Today the birthday girls are Leilani, who turns elder on us, and Maya, who becomes a teen. Image hosted by They both went at the same time, although Leilani a little faster than Maya. Let's see how Leilani turned out. Image hosted by Not too bad, a somewhat pretty elder, although I'm kind of iffy about the yellow and purple, but it may grow on me. And Maya? Image hosted by I like it, it suits her! And she rolled Fortune with a LTW to be a celebrity chef if I remember correctly. It's been a while. Image hosted by "Congratulations on aging well, dear!" Image hosted by "Thanks, congratulations to you, too!" They both aged well, although I don't think either were platinum. That's it for this chapter. It was kind of short and there were a lot of family eating shots. It'll get better, I promise. =)

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Blogger MysticSpirit said...

That's okay that it was short. It was a nice chapter. :O) Loved the aging transitions.

7:35 AM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

I figure it's about time I post up a comment here after reading your blog for a while now. :-) I've been enjoying it thoroughly! Nice tip about the painting. I didn't know that. Did you know though that the subject doesn't have to stand there the entire time? Once the painter has begun, you can cancel out the action for the subject and the painter will continue with the portrait.

12:10 PM  

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