Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 15

In our last update Lucy and Brady conceived baby number 2, Marisa showed up yet again, and Napua became a child. Image hosted by First thing we did with Napua as soon as she transitioned was change her look. Image hosted by She seems to be pretty happy with it and I think it suits her, so the pigtails stay. Because of the smart milk when she was younger, Napua had built a lot of skills and had almost maxed her charisma. On the same night as her transition Napua set to work on getting that last charisma point by playing with the execuputter Brady had gotten through work. Image hosted by And thanks to that smart milk, that last point came very quickly, and she was maxed out. Image hosted by That same night, as Lucy was sleeping, we got proof that Lucy was expecting. Image hosted by "Oh, what could possibly be happening?" Do they have to be surprised every time? I think that after the first baby, the surprised expression should be eliminated, kind of like that A+ dance. Let's take a look at what other people in the house are up to while Napua was maxing out her charisma and Lucy formed a bump. Image hosted by Leilani and Remington weren't getting older, they were only getting younger. Image hosted by Brady watched tv with his eternally youthful high school girlfriend. "So, Brady, my new boyfriend gave me money when he asked me to go steady. I remember when we started going out you had just gotten your inheritance from your dad. Isn't it funny how it worked out like that?" I seem to remember she agreed to go steady with him after he got his inheritance, but whatever. Image hosted by And since Lucy was up, she went over to the living room to keep an eye on things. Image hosted by After Napua maxed her charisma, she went and started to tackle the creativity by asking Remington to teach her how to use the plant thingy out front. Why didn't I discover the smart milk before? "Uncle Remington, you're the most creative out of all of us, can you rub some of that off on me?" Image hosted by Napua is making the most of her childhood and obtaining as many skills as she can...and it's still her birthday! In the short amount of time they were out there, Napua gained about 4 creativity skills, they came one right after the other. Back in the house Meadow and Lucy were having a converstaion. Image hosted by "Did I tell you about my new boyfriend? He and his family live on the rich side of town and he always buys me stuff. He tells me I'm pretty all the time and he loves the way I dress and he always buys me stuff...hey, you're getting a little pudgy, did you know that? Anyway, did I mention my boyfriend is rich?" (I still don't like Meadow from when she rejected Brady for his first kiss and request to go steady all that time ago, can you tell? hehe) After her conversation with Meadow, Lucy had to release her frustration. Image hosted by What better way from a pregnant woman to release tension than to run on the treadmill. She spun up the want to get in shape, and since she had a great pregnancy with Napua, I figured she could handle it. And she did, she was on that thing for about an hour and a half! Image hosted by Am I a slave driver, or what? It's still Napua's birthday and everyone in the house is skill building. And later that night, the dreaded phone call. Image hosted by That's right, now that Napua is old enough to go to school we can kill two birds with one stone and call the headmaster to get both Maya and Napua in. Image hosted by Here is Leilani at 5 o'clock the next day waiting for the headmaster. Thanks to Remington's shopping trip, she now has a new formal dress instead of that hideous purple one. Image hosted by Wait, where's Korey? We were hoping for Korey to show up because of his friendship with Remington, but we got Mr. BJ Ryan. Did anyone realize that the name of this headmaster is the same as a pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles? Image hosted by However, this guy doesn't seem to be interested in sports. What is it with the headmasters and women's clothing? Korey didn't like Leilani because she wasn't wearing a hat and BJ wanted to talk about dresses. Image hosted by And women's shoes. Fortunately, fashion was not his only topic of conversation. Image hosted by They talked about art. "I hear that your husband sold a masterpiece!" Image hosted by And they talked about the theatre. Image hosted by And finally discussed Maya and Napua's education. Image hosted by "So Mr. Ryan, will the fact that I sold a masterpiece help the girls get into your school? I would like them to get a good education." Oh, get off the subject of that stupid masterpiece you sold, Remington. Image hosted by Next up at bat (hehe, baseball pun...BJ Ryan, pitcher for the Orioles, next up at bat...oh never mind), Napua has the highest charisma so she will be schmoozing and giving the tour. Image hosted by He liked the living room, but then when she showed him the music/painting room he ended the tour. I think we got a 44 for the turkey, and then tour and schmoozing was ok. I didn't write down the score because I didn't realize the scenario was over until he was leaving. Image hosted by I do know, however, that the girls got in to private school. I think the score was 105/90 or something close to that. Doesn't matter, though because we made him happy and he would then call the family about every other day or so asking to speak to Napua.

Next >>>


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

I think it's hilarious how the headmasters (after agreeing to let kids into private school) keep calling the parents that they "bonded" with the most. It's hilarious. :O)

Congrats on that by the way. :O)

12:28 PM  

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