Monday, August 08, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 14

In our last update Lucy and Brady went for baby number 2 and were successful and Marisa could not be more of a pain in my butt. She's out haunting more and she shows up pretty much every night now. Image hosted by Here we are with everyone's favorite person, Remington. I accidentally clicked on "skip here" and was entertained by the fact that they actually skip. He wasn't going anywhere in particular, it was strictly for my amusement. Image hosted by So after Brady and Lucy had some fun in the bedroom, they discovered they were famished and came to eat with the family. "Aunt Lucy, Uncle Brady, I know I'm a good student and all, but why are you at the dinner table in your underwear?" Image hosted by "Don't you watch tv? I thought kids these days learned life's lessons from television." Image hosted by "Do you have to be married to do it, Daddy?" "Hmm hmm, just cleaning here. Ignoring the conversation, go put some clothes on Lucy..." Image hosted by "Well, you see, Maya. Your Aunt Lucy and I were just having a pillow fight!" Image hosted by And while all that was going on, Marisa was hanging around still, like always, and went back over to her bed while Lucy was getting some much needed rest. Image hosted by Lucy, having just gotten to sleep, thought she heard something she couldn't quite place. She got out of bed and looked around, but didn't see anything, so she got back into bed. It always scares me when the ghosts are out and about, but the only thing Marisa did that night was this. Image hosted by Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Meanwhile, Napua was busy skill building and making friends with Chandler, who came home from school with Maya earlier in the day. I didn't know toddlers could make friends with people other than their family, but after checking in her relationship panel, Chandler sure enough was a friend. And hey, that helps with promotions! Later that night, as Marisa was floating about the house (she was out until about 6am - great for the nerves, especially since Napua had the ghost fear) she went through Maya's room. Maya must have felt her presence because she woke up. What's the first thing anyone does when they wake up in the middle of the night? Image hosted by This whole family is a bunch of cleaning freaks. After cleaning the tub, she did what all little kids like to do. Image hosted by I let her have a little bit of fun before sending her back to bed. Image hosted by What is it with Meadow and Brady? Meadow was only walking by, nobody had to call her over, but Brady is always getting these wants to talk to her, invite her over, dance with her. So as she was walking by, I had Brady greet her and invite her to stay a while. Who's it going to hurt, she's still a teen, nothing can happen. Image hosted by "So I found this bottle and a genie came out and he told me I could make one wish. You know what I wished for Leilani?" "No, what did you wish for Meadow?" Image hosted by "I wished I would never have to grow up and he granted my wish! Um, are you ok over there Jan?" "Oh, sorry. I was laughing because I heard a joke earlier and it made me choke." Image hosted by "Maya, did you know that every year about 3,000 adults die because they accidentally inhale rather than swallow food? The food gets stuck and blocks their trachea, making breathing impossible. Death follows rapidly unless the food or other foreign material can be displaced from the airway. This condition is so common it has been nicknamed the "cafe coronary."...Maya? Maya? Oh, well I found it interesting." Image hosted by You think she's thinking of what Leilani read to her earlier? She'll probably think twice before eating anything again. But the appearance of the birthday cake only means one thing. Napua is becoming a child today. Image hosted by "So, Korey, I was thinking. You can come over tomorrow, we'll feed you, schmooze you a little and you'll let both Maya and Napua in, how's that sound?" Remington and Korey have become quite the friends since his visit since all Korey seems to do is call...and call...and call. Remington, get off the phone, it's your niece's birthday. Image hosted by Here is Brady with his only daughter as she is about to blow out her candles. Image hosted by And let the celebrating and aging commence. Image hosted by And poof! Image hosted by Image hosted by Interesting transition. Something needs to be done about the hair, of course. But it looks like she's got Brady's nose and you can see the resemblance to Brady. She didn't turn out to bad! *wipes brow*

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Blogger MysticSpirit said...

OY ... that NOSE of hers ... is she going to try to get that fixed? ;O)

10:22 AM  

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