Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 11

In our last update, Remington sold a masterpiece and that was all he could think about, Moana insulted Marsha and Moana also decided that she would continue with school and go on to college. Image hosted by Why, Katerina, you're a maid. You've smelled all kinds of bad stuff, what could possibly have you acting like this? Image hosted by Oh, I see. Lucy is cooking and burnt the hamburgers. Her cooking skills are almost maxed out and she can't cook hamburgers. These sims really mistify me sometimes. Image hosted by "Maya, how is your quest in getting best friends?" Image hosted by "Not good, Aunt Lucy. I've been too busy reading Harry Potter and the ending traumatized me! I can't believe who died!" Image hosted by "What about you Moana? Since you're going to college soon, will you be getting engaged, too?" "No, I'm thinking about coming back home after college." Image hosted by What bothers you more Lucy, the burnt food or your niece's answer? Image hosted by "Should I tell her I think her hamburgers are gross?" Image hosted by "Nyah Nyah, I have more best friends than you!" Ah, sisterly love. They're usually really nice to each other all huggy and stuff, but Moana did this all on her own and I have yet to figure out why. Image hosted by Then they ganged up on Katerina and watched her work. "Our mom and uncle used to do what you're doing right now. Maybe you'll get lucky and Aunt Lucy will have a baby boy and you can marry into our family just like the two previous maids!" I'm sure Katerina can't wait. Image hosted by "Hey sweetie, you know how much I love you right?" "Yes, my love. I love you, too!" Image hosted by "I love you so much I want to show you and embarrass my family at the same time!" Image hosted by "Sweetie, turn around and you can see how much we embarrassed Leilani and Remington! We got 'em both in that one grab!" And of course Leilani and Remington could not be outdone and left out in the loving embarrassment activities. Image hosted by "I wonder what we could do to embarrass Moana..." "Oh, honey, I know what I could do!" Image hosted by I love the look on Leilani's face as she did that! And we all know what Moana's reaction was. Image hosted by Image hosted by And they got Brady and Lucy too! Image hosted by After such loving public displays of affection, what could possibly come next? Image hosted by And although they were having so much fun embarrassing each other, all fun must come to an end. Lucy and Brady have yet to have their picture painted for the mausoleum, so they asked Remington to do the honors. Image hosted by This was one of the three attempts at getting painted, so this will not be the picture depicting them for the rest of eternity...or until I have to move due to a buggy lot (crossing fingers that never happens). But they looked so cute, I thought I would take another picture. Image hosted by Not to be outdone once again, here are Leilani and Remington displaying their love for one another. Image hosted by Ok, maybe they're just skill building, but Leilani is always up for a skill point. =) Image hosted by Thanks to Brady, who got a job in the slacker career, here is the third career object in my quest for points. Image hosted by And since Moana made it a point to go over and clearly express her disgust with this new object... Image hosted by ...she is now the designated plant tenderer. I know, I'm a horrible person...hehe. And to end this chapter, let's take a look at what our founder and his beloved are up to. Image hosted by Does the floating urn really mean anything? I have a theory...does it mean the ghost will haunt more? We'll find out in upcoming chapters.

Next >>>


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Loved the pictures of the PDAs *LOL* (Public Displays of Affection). FABULOUS and FUNNY!

7:37 AM  

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