Generation 4 - Chapter 2
Welcome to another chapter in the lives of the Cavanaugh's. I know it's been a while since my last update (has it really been over a month?), but let's do a quick recap. Clay just got abducted by aliens and came back to hear the chimes of the lullaby. Need to remember anything else? Take a look back and get a refresher. Now on with the show.
The morning after the abduction, life appeared to return to normal. Maya had her head back in a book studying and she managed to max out cleaning, I think.
Then she made her way over to the chess board where she played a game with Clay. Clay is discussing with her his fears that he could quite possibly be pregnant after his adventure last night.
Later that night, who else show up, but a ghost. I don't think there has been a ghost free night, well, ever. I'd hate to find out how they would react if I ever got rid of their beds.
And here is Maya. This girl has always gotten up in the middle of the night from a sound sleep ever since she was a child. She usually gets up to make the bed, but this night, she awoke from a sound sleep to primp. Interesting girl, Maya is.
At the same time, on the other side of the house, Clay found himself waking out of a sound sleep as well. And why, you ask?
Aww, if the bump of the alien baby!
Poor Lucy. It seems the baby is the only person in the house to not hate her, but isn't that a sweet picture?
After her conversation with Clay over the chess table, Maya decided it would be best for her and Dorian to get out of the crazy house. She had heard her Aunt McKenna did the same thing after something called a firey birthday, but now with another baby coming into the family from her own brother, well, she just had to get out.
After news spread throughout the house, the rest of the family came running into the den to say their goodbyes as Maya gave them her condolences.
Maya and Dorian chose to say their goodbyes before going out to the taxi, so as they were climbing in, they didn't look back at the house they called home for so long.
That same day is another birthday for the family. This time the birthday is for Lahela, the first born of Clay and Maura.
Aww, daddy and daughter, and look how happy he looks.
And as with all children have done since the family started, Clay threw Lahela into the air as she transitioned into the next stage of her life.
Say it with me, now. Awww. Isn't she cute? She's got her mom's red hair and green eyes and it looks like her father's nose. Agh! I curse you, Marisa Bendett! Three generations later and it's still running rampant!
First order of business is to get rid of those diapers. Now that another baby is coming, the family thought it best to save money on diapers by potty training Lahela.
And, done.
What is it with this family? Every person, live and dead, refuse to leave Lucy alone. And this time it is her dearly departed husband who promised to cherish and protect her. I don't know what I'm going to do with them.
That's right, Remington, just keep going. Just pass through and don't bother anyone.
Lucy has decided that she would like to teach Lahela to walk...and if Lahela could increase her inheritance at the same time, score! I don't suppose the others in the house will get much, so she needs to give it to somebody, right?
Uh oh, Clay did you eat something bad? What's wrong?
Oh, I get it. It's baby time! If anyone remembers the picture I posted a while back of the baby, then nobody will be surprised by this next picture.
Aww, it's a green baby. And, the generation 4 heir! Yep, Clay had a baby boy and since we needed a D name, his name is Draco. Yep, Draco from Harry Potter. We can thank my sister for that.
After all the excitement, Maura went back to work cleaning. What did she care? It's not her kid, Clay can deal with him, getting up in the middle of the night for cleanings and feeding.
Aww, and it's Draco's first bottle. Let's hope he doesn't get the nose.
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Ahhh ... Draco! So nice to finally meet you! *imagine Transylvanian accent* Wouldn't it be something is you later in life became one of the undead (the non-zombie kind). VLAH! Hehe.
*hugs Lucy* I don’t hate her! And yes, that was a cute picture of her with the baby. :-) *comforts you with the nose* I know EXACTLY what you mean. My Vacha’s still have Talin’s lips hitting the kids in the 4th generation. *grumbles & sighs* Hiya Draco! *waves hello*
I feel your pain over the Cavanaugh nose. I too had Marisa as the wife of my founder and its still there and going strong 4 generations later. *sigh*
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