Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 32

This chapter may seem to jump around a little bit because while I was playing (and not saving), the game crashed and I lost about 2 sims days of play and had to replay my lost time. So remember when you are playing - Just Save It. =) So we’ll just pretend that the Sims are experiencing an alternate reality (picture that sci-fi show, Sliders, only nicer). Not long after Remington passed away, he decided to come out of the mausoleum and explore the other realm known as the Sim Alternate Reality (SAR). I was hoping he would haunt in the clothes he died in, but just my luck, he haunted in his every day outfit. While everyone else was sleeping, Brady was up painting trying to help fulfill his elderly sister’s dying wish to make $50,000. Unfortunately, SAR is not too different than the actual Sim world. Brady gets his pants scared off of him when Remington popped out of the painting and did a little Boo action. Luckily, this all happened in the land of SAR, and didn’t actually happen, or so I’d like to think. Back in the real world, Clay was starting a fire cooking toaster pastries. C’mon, Clay, they’re just pastries. How difficult is it to cook that? In Clay’s terror driven state, he noticed a fire fighter came to save the stove and the day. Funny, he thought, I never even had to call the fire department. Their response time is off the charts! Once the fire was out, Clay got a better look at the person who had come to his rescue. Her name was Maura Simpson and one look at her and he could see his future children in her beautiful eyes. "Hey, do you like money? My family has loads of it. How would you like to marry me some day. I’m already promised to the maid, but I don’t think she’d mind at all." "How about I give you some now, a dowry if you will, but for right now we’ll consider it a tip for your life saving services." Maura told him she thought he was a funny kid, but promised to keep in touch. Back in SAR, it was Marisa’s turn to come out of her urn. Will she follow Remington’s lead and scare the pants off someone in her family, or will she just play around with some of the objects in the house? Turns out she just wanted to take a bath, no harm done in SAR. Leaving SAR and coming back in the Sim world, Lucy was trying to hide her feelings and convince herself that she belonged to only Brady by dropping to her knees and declaring her love for him in song. So far keeping Lucy and Leilani apart seems to be working. The only thing they really want to do is talk. Brady’s heart is spared breakage for the time being. This woman loves to show her man how much she loves him. Clay doesn’t like it as much. You can see him in the background having a fit. He really doesn’t like it. He should know that that’s the whole reason I do it to see him throw a fit! Ok, this is odd. Remember I sent Napua to college a couple chapters back? She came home from school with Clay one day. And what is the first thing you do when you come home with your brother? You watch him go to the bathroom...obviously. Later that day, both Clay and Leilani were low on their social meters and struck up a conversation after a game of pool. "Haha, I taught you never to play pool against me again!" laughed Leilani. Leilani discovered that playing with Clay wore her out so she decided that, because of her advanced age, she would go take a nap before dinner. While she was sleeping, Clay had just finished the portrait he was painting of his aunt and went to go wake her up to show her. Leilani loved the detail he put into the painting to capture her essence and told Clay how proud she was of the way he grew up . Unfortunately, this would be the last thing she would say to her nephew. She knows it’s coming, but yet she is in a content state because she knows she is about to join her darling Remington. She’s also going to go in a platinum state because of what she did last night. She reached her want of making $50,000 by selling a higher value painting that her family had been busy working on the past couple of days to help her go out in platinum. As Clay was stepping away from Leilani, he suddenly became aware of what was happening. He was there for Remington’s death and something seemed suddenly familiar about the atmosphere around him. Clay started to cry, but noticed his Aunt Leilani wasn’t sad and wasn’t crying at all. He realized it was probably because she knew she would be reunited with her true love and she was calmed by that. He also noticed he was the only member of his family by Leilani’s side and wondered where his mom and dad were. If you look way in the background back in the entertainment room, Lucy and Brady are just now leaving the room to come to the commotion. Turns out they were playing chess and couldn’t tear themselves away. So much for Lucy loving Leilani, huh? Leilani remained emotionless throughout Grim’s entire visit, except for when he offered her a drink. Her face lit up with a smile, she happily took the drink, grabbed her suitcase and departed, leaving a platinum urn behind. I don’t know what Lucy and Brady are doing, but they still have not come into the room. Only Clay remains after Leilani’s departure and mourns his aunt’s passing all by his lonesome surrounded by Grim’s hula girls. How fitting to have her urn underneath the portrait Clay had painted of her and the painting she had been working on, but will never be able to finish. And with that, the family placed her urn in it’s final resting place next to her beloved late husband located in the family mausoleum

Next >>>


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Don'tcha just love to see the urns floating? I haven't had any urns yet (as I like my graves outside for now). Hehe. Great stuff!

7:13 AM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

At least she's with Remington now. I'm going to assume her falling in love with Lucy was just a bout of temporary insanity, brought on by her grief and overwhelming loneliness. *nod*

2:53 PM  

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