Saturday, October 01, 2005

Generation 3 - Chapter 29

In our last update, we covered one of the two birthdays the house was celebrating. The heir had become a teen and chose to become a Knowledge Sim with a lifetime want to max out all his skills. We continue with the birthday madness. In case you were wondering, Maya is the birthday girl as she becomes as adult. What will she look like? How will she take her transition into adulthood? She's starting to look more and more like Princess Leia with her hair in those buns, and I'm kinda iffy about her outfit, but she still looks cute and she appears to like it. Uh oh, something is happening. Do you think she knows what is about to happen? Clay knows. It seems Maya, also being a Knowledge sim, had a deep desire to go to college, but wanted to keep her family happy by staying close to home. She thought she would have had a good chance to go, but then Napua took a turn for the worse and she was the one to leave instead. Clay and Lucy both noticed Maya was having a problem, but didn't want to bring it up to the others because they didn't notice, or pretended not to. Suddenly, the same doctor who came to Leilani's aid as she transitioned into adulthood, fell from the ceiling to help Maya. "Eet seems my last patient vas as meesed up as you are now. I cured her by teeling her to act like zee monkey. Now eet's your turn. Zee monkey, some believe, vas vhat ve used to be a long long time ago." "It is videly known that thees spinny vheel can take you out of your craziness. Stare at the spinny vheel and you vill be cured." And, surprisingly, Maya was suddenly cured thanks to help of the doctor that nobody else seemed to have noticed. Her family had eaten dinner and had given her weird looks like they didn't see who she saw. "Did you notice Maya sitting off to herself acting like she was talking to someone? Do you think maybe her brains are a little scrambled? We may have to have checked out or something." So it seems someone did notice her strange behavior. Uncle Rem, don't you think someone should go over and talk to Maya to see if she's ok?" But they continued talking in the kitchen and nobody ever went over to her. And then Brady came home from work. Poor Brady, his little boy celebrated his birthday into teenhood and has all but forgotten his dad so he won't be getting a welcome home hug. And look who came out for his grandson's birthday. He stopped for the traditonal cheering of the bed before he went off to his ghostly duties. Which included scaring his only son. What did Brady do to deserve this? His only crime was loving his father while he was alive. Although he never did visit the mausoleum where Tony was resting peacefully. The other elders in the house were busy too. They were once again having a pillow fight. You leave them alone for too long with nothing to do and they'll whip out a pillow to entertain themselves. Their exuberance was short lived. After the pillow fight they decided to make themselves something to eat when Marisa also made an apppearance to frighten Leilani. We have some mean ghosts out tonight! "Nice scaring, sweetie." "You too, dear!" Tony was just taking a break because he went back to scaring Brady. Can't a guy go to the bathroom in peace anymore? Brady was doing fine, too. He was about to go paint a portrait of Leilani, but with that second scare from Tony, his needs dropped and we had to scramble to get them back up. Remington had spun up the want to sell a best selling novel so I was happy to ablige to try and keep him platinum since he was nearing death. I was afraid something was going to happen here as you can see Tony in the picture, but it turns out, he was just flying into the computer, not to scare Remington. Remington finished his novel and was walking to answer the call about his book as Clay noticed the lamp sitting beside him acting funny. Tony was also following Remington to the phone. This has become a scary night with the ghosts! "I sold how many novels? It's doing how well? That's amazing, I can't believe my book did that well!" As it turns out, Tony left Remington alone so he could answer the phone and Remington sold a best selling novel and made about $2600 from it and from that he became platinum! And I'll end this chapter with the two former maids doing what they used to get paid to do. Just don't tell any of the future service sims of their fate and we'll be fine. He he.

Next >>>


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Boy! Your ghost just LOVE to scare your sims, don't they? Maybe your sims ought to go out to the mosoleum and mourn them a bit more often. I think the ghosts are starting to feel unappreciated. Congrats on the novel! How long did it take for him to write? Seemed to happen kinda fast!

10:20 PM  
Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

Definitely congrats on the novel! I know the one time I tried to have a Sim write one (one of my Strohm sims), I gave up, because it took so bloody long. ;-)

You've gotta find a way to placate those ghosts. They're not gonna be happy until they kill someone!

2:54 PM  

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