Saturday, June 25, 2005

Generation 2 - Chapter 20

Image hosted by We start off this chapter with Tony meeting his first grandchild, Moana, since he was sleeping when she was born. He thought she was so beautiful and was so happy that he was alive to see her come into the world. Image hosted by And now that he was an official grandfather, Tony felt it was finally time to retire his position at the company. He had made it all the way to CEO and now he was ready to spend time with Moana. Image hosted by Leilani, even though just having Moana, felt safe enough to go back to work since there were so many people in the house to take care of the baby. The nanny service had heard that there was a new baby in the Cavanaugh household and sent Karen over since they had also heard Leilani went back to work so quickly. They were unaware, though, that not everyone was going to be leaving so Remington did the honor of ending nanny services with them. Image hosted by "Good morning, sir! I hear there is a new baby and my services are needed!" Image hosted by "No, Karen, you are not needed. I would appreciate it if you left and next time we need a nanny, we'll call the service." So off the nanny went and off in the nursery, I caught Noelle doing the cutest thing. Image hosted by Noelle was over at the crib tucking in Moana as she was sleeping. Isn't that sweet? Noelle looks as if she does have some emotion somewhere deep down inside of her. And just like Mckenna had done before, I caugh Brady checking himself out in the mirror. Image hosted by So while everyone was at school and work, Remington and Tony were left to the manly duties of watching the baby. Tony's life bar was also getting pretty full and he had just dropped out of platinum so I was working on one of his wants of becoming Remington's best friend. And then... Image hosted by Why, Remington, why are you crying? Image hosted by OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! I'm not ready for him to leave!!! This would be my first sim death, so please excuse me if I get a little over dramatic...but I'm so attached to Tony! Image hosted by Everyone came running to Tony' s side as the grim reaper came to collect Tony and take him away forever. And all Tony could think about was his wonderful marriage to Marisa and how this would affect her. Image hosted by Image hosted by "So I get to take my things with me to the after life, there Grimmy?" Image hosted by "What about this hula chickie? Is she coming with us?" Image hosted by "No, she is mine, but be my guest, please accept this delicious alcoholic beverage we like to call a drinkey-poo." "Ooh, don't mind if I do!" And then he was gone. Image hosted by "Hey guys! What's going on?" Image hosted by Ok, maybe I was wrong about Noelle. She was the only person to not shed a tear at the passing of Tony. Image hosted by She even had the audacity to try and dance with Remington! Sometimes, I just don't understand that girl. Image hosted by Poor Leilani slept through the whole thing so she didn't even get to say good bye to her dad. That's ok, though, because Tony remembered that in his inheritance. But the person hit the hardest? Image hosted by Don't worry, Marisa, you'll see him again soon.
Tony died at the ripe old age of 72 - left no platinum urn. Darn grim came too soon.
List of inheriters:
Marisa - $20,000
Mckenna - $8,600
Brady - $8,800
Noelle - $9,500
Moana - $1,325
And for Leilani and Remington? Zippo.
But to cheer everyone up, let's end this chapter with a cute picture of a baby. Image hosted by Did that cheer anyone up? No? Me neither.

Next >>>


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Goodbye, Tony. We will miss you. And too bad Lelani and Remington didn't get any money. :oP *LOL*

7:42 AM  

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