Monday, June 20, 2005

Generation 2 - Chapter 14

After Leilani transitioned and afterward went into aspiration failure, she thought it best to make a change. She got a new hair style and started to work her magic on Remington. After all, the poor girl still hasn't had her first kiss! Image hosted by Doesn't she look pretty with her new look? Here she is hitting on Remington and I think he likes it! Image hosted by "Hey hot stuff, how about a little sweet talk?" Image hosted by "Oh, I do declare Mis Leilani! I'm taking a liking to you, how about if I brought you flowers?" Image hosted by "Oh, Remington! Flowers would be wonderful! How about we take this into the bathroom?" And what a wonderful romantic location for their first kiss! But alas, it was still their first kiss and it was still nice and romantic. Image hosted by Image hosted by And what comes after the first kiss? An up the arm kiss with the man swooning! Image hosted by Since I didn't lock in that want and failed to get her the aspiration boost she so badly needed, I broke down and bought the guitar she has been spinning up forever. And here is the first member of the family to play it. Image hosted by I swear, it's like the swingset, they just won't leave it alone! The next morning, Noelle and Tony spent a little father-daughter time together. He had some wants to tickle and tell a joke to Noelle so I thought I would indulge, after all, easy points. Image hosted by "What did the gynocologist say to his patient?" "I don't know daddy, what?" Image hosted by Image hosted by "Oh daddy, that's gross! Funny, but gross!" (I'll let you make up your own answer to that one. =) "Leilani, I'm trying to figure out a joke daddy told me earlier, can you help me find something on it?" Image hosted by So while Leilani and Noelle were investigating in the books, Marisa and Mckenna were keeping busy. Image hosted by As you can see in the background, poor Ashley is being watched...again. But fear not, here he comes! Image hosted by "It's bad enough you and your family spy on me, you now have a guitar!" Image hosted by "Hey, don't raise your voice to me! I'll have my mom beat you with that guitar!" Image hosted by "Um, mom? Don't you think you should be doing something about Mckenna and Ashley? They might kill each other!" "Don't worry honey, mommy will do something when she's done playing the guitar." Image hosted by "How about we get rid of the bad memories and get a new couch?" Image hosted by Like it? Tony seems oblivious to all the uproar as he is painting a self portrait. Image hosted by It's so sad to think about where this will end up...sigh. Want some more pictures of the new guitar and it not being left alone? Leilani and Brady love it, too. Image hosted by Image hosted by You might have noticed the missing wall while Brady was playing. Well, now that the family has three full time job holders and two teen jobs, the money is coming in and Marisa is coming up with wants to buy stuff. So I caved and also bought a piano and, in the process had to build a new room. And the first person on the piano? Why, the first person to play the guitar! Image hosted by That Mckenna should consider a musical job with all the instruments she plays. To end this chapter, I'll throw in a glitchy shot. Image hosted by Marisa is giving Tony a backrub, while Leilani and Remington are dancing. Aren't glitches great?

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